Saturday 20 October 2012

Most Interesting day in my life

Hello !

today was my interesting day ever ! 
why ? 
just let me keep it to myself. ;p
  go to Dewan Mu'adzam Shah (DMAS) UUM for 'integrasi' ko-k early in the morning.
we have talks from MITI Ministry of International Trade and Industry.
one of the speakers is YB Datuk Hj Mukhriz Mahathir.
i take none picture of him 
and yes i regret it -.-

p/s: no surprise if you see snake or scorpion can stay in dewan uum. chill la. :)


  1. Ada budak DPP TM jatoh ye dkt dewan mas? Hehehe :)

    Malu-malu-malu :p

  2. heee, ular pon suka nak masuk dmas. apatah lagi kita.

    ok refer masa final exam. dushh !

  3. Peyan : siapakah dia ? cian eh. cmna bole jatuh. ngee

    makcik : hahaha. semua suka sebab dia bestt ! haha
